Most states have “statutes of repose” which are laws that stop a right of action after a specific period of time has passed. Statutes of repose regulations are specific for construction projects. What this means is that claims are prohibited for... (Read More)
This is the job of restoration companies—to preserve and protect a building and its contents after damage from a major event such as a fire or flood. People want the clean-up to begin quickly following a disaster so they can go on with their... (Read More)
Occupational exposure is the number one cause of asbestos-related disease. Exposure to asbestos can happen anywhere asbestos is present. However, some occupations/workplaces are at greater risk of exposure, including environmental contractors who... (Read More)
When most people think of environmental liability insurance, they think about a toxic chemical spill or a nuclear disaster. There is a lot more to environmental liability insurance coverage than the obvious things that come to mind. Contractors deal... (Read More)
Construction contractors often cannot predict factors that will affect their work schedule, such as weather delays or a delay in obtaining building materials to complete a project. Such delays can be costly, and construction contractors need an... (Read More)
Construction contractors put themselves at risk every single day on the job, facing unknown risks when working with heavy equipment and often from scaffolds at great heights. The job is demanding and has special challenges. One of the challenges... (Read More)
Any contractor who transports materials that could potentially create environmental pollution needs liability protection. When cargo is released into the environment — for example, a truck overturns and spills industrial cleaning solution into a... (Read More)
Lead-based paints were commonly used in homes constructed before 1978. If left undisturbed, the paint itself probably does not pose hazards. However, any scraping, peeling or sanding of the paint changes all of this. Disturbing the paint causes dust... (Read More)
Did you know? Falls are the leading cause of death in construction. In 2016, the U.S. construction industry saw 991 fatalities. Falls can happen from any height — roofs, scaffolds, ladders and more. Many of these deaths are preventable by... (Read More)