Many of the most successful companies in the world, including Google and Amazon, use brainstorming to help come up with innovative new ideas and initiatives. When was the last time your team or company had a successful brainstorming session? Did... (Read More)
Is data security, online privacy and identity theft a top concern? If it’s not, it should be. More than ever, hackers are using sophisticated efforts to steal information from companies and to commit identity theft and fraud. And while all... (Read More)
Got stress? Whether you're facing an important deadline, having trouble getting your kids to do their homework or struggling with a to-do list that seems to grow longer each minute, stress is an inevitable part of the lives of most Americans. Add a... (Read More)
With summer in full swing, the days are longer, the workload is heavier and the temperatures are higher. And each year, heat and higher temperatures bring an added level of risk to construction sites in the form of dehydration, heat exhaustion and... (Read More)
Your smartphone has a ton of data about you stored on it. Your employees’ smartphones have a ton of data about your business stored on them. Do you know what steps, in addition to locking phones, should be taken to keep that data private and... (Read More)
Telecommuting is definitely taking off as COVID-19 disrupts our traditional ways of doing business. Even the construction industry has been using remote work in various ways to help employees socially distance. Yet allowing employees to do some or... (Read More)
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected and shut down construction projects around the world. Among U.S. job sites still operating, contractors are taking a number of steps to curb the spread of coronavirus. They include:
Creating an infection control... (Read More)
In the world of social media, there is no shortage of ways to connect with people. But what kind of people are you trying to connect with? If you’re on social media for the social aspect, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (to name a few) are great... (Read More)
How do you define success? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, success "includes not only the achievement of wealth, respect or fame but also the desired result of an attempt." Of course, everyone defines it differently, but there are some... (Read More)